
Ri Witness Security System

Our Third Eye… Follows Every Step of the Procedures Performed in the IVF Laboratory 7/24…

What is RI Witness (Security) System?

The RI Witness system is an advanced computer system that is used to monitor and control all operations performed in the IVF laboratory, 7 days a week and 24 hours a day. Because RI Witness system is an automated system, unlike other setups used for the same purpose, the system automatically checks the materials placed in the work area, checks the patient’s identity and resets the margin of error, without the need for embryologist to introduce the materials he/she has used to the reader.

RI Witness system continuously monitors the processes performed in our laboratory during IVF treatment including the sperm preparation, egg collection, microinjection (ICSI), embryo transfer, embryo freezing, embryo thawing and embryo biopsy, provides identity control and then records them.

What is the Contribution of the RI Witness System to Your Treatment?

If your procedures are carried out in a laboratory equipped with the RI Witness system, you should know that every step of your treatment is supervised and recorded 7/24 with the utmost care and diligence, as if you were supervising it yourself. Therefore, you can be comfortable and calm during your treatment. The system controls and records all your treatment steps without exception. It also resets the margin of error, as it provides control of the materials without the need to scan them into the system manually.

What is the Working Principle of the RI Witness System?

  1. The first step is to create an identity card for the couple to be treated, in which their identity and file information are recorded. It is mandatory for the couple to have this identity card with them every time they come to the center for treatment.
  2. Labels emitting radiofrequency signals, containing codes specific to the couple’s identity information are created and all materials and containers to be used in their treatment are marked with these special labels.
  3.  All of the working spaces of our embryologists in our IVF laboratory are scanned by means of radiofrequency signals emitted from the labels on the containers and materials. All materials taken to the work area are checked by the system within seconds, their accuracy is confirmed and the transactions are recorded.
  4.  The accuracy of the sperm and oocytes used by the couple during the IVF process are confirmed by the RI Witness system and this prevents the risk of mixing materials with others.

5-) It is never allowed to place the containers of 2 separate couples in the work area at the same time. It notifies everyone with an audible and light warning even if they approach each other. So, any possible mistakes are avoided.

6-) Before performing the embryo transfer, the couple’s identity card and the container label of the embryo are read together, and embryo transfer is performed after confirming that the embryo belongs to the couple.

In this way, all tubes and containers with biological materials belonging to the couple (both male and female) are automatically controlled to eliminate the human factor errors.

What are the Advantages of RI Witness System Compared to Other Systems?

Since the RI Witness system uses the radiofrequency identification application, only the RI witness system have the ability to completely control and record the steps from the first moment to the end of the procedure.

The work of the embryologist can continue uninterrupted, because the RI witness system automatically detects and reads all the containers in which your cells are placed during your treatment, in every part of our embryologist’s work space. However, every material processed in other systems must be pointed at the reader outside the working area and scanned. This can both slow down the work of the embryologist and create the risk of developing errors due to the human factor.

Since the RI Witness system is an automated system, it controls the IVF laboratory and its employees 7/24 without the need for the samples to be scanned. However, the operation of other systems depends on the embryologist having the system read all the materials he/she will use. Therefore, if the embryologist forgets to have the samples scan into the system while performing the procedure, the system cannot provide control in any way.

Contact information :

Author : Prof. Dr. Mehtap Polat
Telephone : +90 530 011 41 33
E-mail : [email protected]

Prof. Dr. Mehtap Polat

18 yılı aşkın meslek hayatım boyunca mesaimin neredeyse tama yakını bebek sahibi olmak isteyen çiftlere yönelik tedavilerle geçti. Çocuk isteği olan ve tedavi gereği olan çiftlerin bu süreçte ne kadar kırılgan, naif ve hassas olduklarının farkındayım. Bu nedenle hastalarımla yaptığım ilk görüşme anından itibaren, kendilerine olabilecek en yüksek başarı oranını sunmak için bilimsel veriler ışığında güncel, kaliteli, özenli ve çifte özel bireyselleştirilmiş tedavi uygulamanın gayreti içindeyim..

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